Emotional Intelligence…Sort of.

The latest gem from the “forethought” section of Harvard Business Review: research indicates that of all the positions in an organization, the one with the LOWEST score for emotional intelligence is (drum roll please…): the CEO! Yes, individual staff people came in at...

Drucker Quote

With management guru Peter Drucker’s passing, I was inspired to get and (finally!) read his classic "Managing the Non-Profit Organization: Principles and Practices" book. I haven’t finished it, but here’s my favorite quote so far:Listening...

Culture in the Mainstream?

There is a story on the front page of the business section of the Washington Post today about the new CEO of Fannie Mae. The subhead states, “CEO Daniel H. Mudd Must Fix Problems With Accounting and Culture.” Wow! Organizational culture goes mainstream! Many people...

Quote of the Day

This is a brief post with an even briefer quote. It is a line from Margaret Wheatley’s Finding Our Way: Leadership for an Uncertain Time. Life seeks organization, but it uses messes to get there. Organization is a process, not a structure. (p. 27)

Blog Fan

I need to make two points in today’s post. The first is about how great blogs are. My friend Jeff De Cagna (who bought me this domain and convinced me to blog) laughs a bit about how excited I am about blogging given my reluctance to join the fray, but I am certainly...
Jamie Notter