Starting versus Stopping

Please check out this great post on the Fast Company blog about the power of starting new behavior, rather than trying to stop old behavior. Here’s a snippet:One place this idea can be important is in changing one’s management style. Often I have clients...

The Only Acceptable Way

There’s another story in Fast Company this month about two leaders who did a massive turnaround at an advertising company. One of the leaders was shocked to find that the rising stars in the organization not only didn’t work together much—some of them hadn’t met each...

The New American Workplace

In 1973 the government issued a report on “Work in America,” that was apparently “explosive” in reporting the alienation of blue collar workers and the “search by women for a new identity,” according to an article in Fast Company magazine. One of the people that...

Always Done It That Way

I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m one of five authors of a book we have titled, We’ve Always Done It That Way: 101 Things We Must Change About Associations. We’ve been writing the book "publically", by posting our 101 things onto a...

Thick Skin Test

Okay, this is a test of my thick skin, but in the last few days I’ve come across two very funny lampoons of consultants. The first is a cute animated short put out by Association Forum, and the second is a hilarious website of a fictional consulting firm called Huh?...
Jamie Notter