Trust and Communication

I'm speaking about trust tomorrow, so I plan on a few more blog posts on the topic, but this is just a quick reflection on a post from my new favorite blog, Ben's Blog, from Ben Horowitz, a venture capitalist. The title of his post is "CEOs Should Tell it...

A Different Take on Strategy

Strategy is a concept that I love, but at the same time it really bugs me. It's a seemingly simple idea (we all have an intuitive sense of what being strategic is), and we have all talked it to death when it comes to organizations and strategic planning, yet for...

What I'm Reading

Okay, so I really don't do a regular "what I'm reading" post on this blog, for a couple of reasons.  First, the stuff that I really love that I read on the internet tends to make its way into my blog posts (and I link to them there). Second, I...
Jamie Notter