Better Decision Making

Today I am delivering a pilot version of a workshop on strategic risk and decision making for management teams, co-delivered with Elizabeth Engel and Leslie White. Leslie is leading the discussion on risk and Elizabeth is digging into how strategic thinking (as...

Time Is Running Out

***UPDATE*** We met our $250,000 goal!!! Can you believe that?! 90 riders and we raised $250,000. But that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. Please give! I leave Wednesday afternoon for Ride Allegheny, so you are just about out of time to make a donation...

Book Review: Delivering Happiness

Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose by Tony Hsieh Business Plus, 2010 The online retailer Zappos is arguably the premiere poster-child for company culture in today’s business world. Zappos started selling shoes online in 1999, which was...
Jamie Notter