Jamie Notter Blog
4. Coaching and Mediation
Ultimately, your organization is made up of individuals, and whether you've got people issues, inefficient processes, or sticky problems, sometimes the performance of the whole system can be improved as a result of focused work with one or two people.So part of my...
3. Speaking and Training
Sometimes, the best way to increase capacity is through education. I can help educate the stakeholders in your system about issues that will make a real difference to your organization. I do this through keynote speeches or educational sessions at conferences,...
2. Consulting and Facilitation
My consulting and facilitation projects focus on groups of people and how they get things done. If there are people issues in a team, I can design a consulting project to identify and resolve the issues. If processes aren't working, I can work with all the people...
Becoming a Leader: My Top 3 List
Aaron Wolowiec put up a post on Acronym asking about the difference between a leader and a visionary and, more importantly, how you become one (kudos, by the way, to ASAE & The Center for putting a young professional on the blog, rather than just creating a group...
1. Consulting Services
As Vice President of Organizational Effectiveness at Management Solutions Plus, I offer a range of consulting, training, and speaking services to clients both in and out of the association community. If you're reading the blog, then you get a pretty good sense of my...
Strategy and Structural Break
Thanks to Ann Oliveri for pointing me to an article that McKinsey put out on "Strategy in a Structural Break." The author is from UCLA and provided a fresh perspective to some of the other stuff I see on strategy (one of which pointed out that spring is...
Oh Yeah…We’re Human Beings
Thanks to Etienne Laliberté of the Contrarian Thinking blog for including me among a list of favorite blog posts--not only because it was nice and might have diverted a few more people to my Strategy in Four Words or Less Post, but because it diverted ME to a cool...
Oh Yeah…We're Human Beings
Thanks to Etienne Laliberté of the Contrarian Thinking blog for including me among a list of favorite blog posts--not only because it was nice and might have diverted a few more people to my Strategy in Four Words or Less Post, but because it diverted ME to a cool...
Strategy in Four Words or Less
Last year I wrote a post titled "Consultants Suck." In it, I made reference to a strategy weekend I did for an association client. It wasn't a full-blown strategic plan (those of you who know me understand I wouldn't do that!). It was a weekend of...