It’s that time of year again: I am starting to gear up for the ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership’s Annual Meeting. This year it is in Chicago, August 11 to 14th (T minus one month). I am speaking again this year: the topic is Resolving Conflict in Your Chapters. I am co-presenting with David Lorms of Core Concept Solutions. David worked for many years in associations in the area of component relations, before heading to the “dark side” of consultancy, and I’m excited to be working with him on this session.
If you’re coming to the meeting, please join us for the session. We are scheduled for Monday, August 13th, in the 2:45 to 4:00pm time slot, so mark your calendars.
Also, if you’re coming to the meeting and you’re a blogger, for goodness sake join us at the annual Bloggercon. Even if you’re not a blogger, you should also sign up for the “Backchannel” that Ben Martin has set up. It’s like a text message listserver—realtime communication with a small group, despite the size of the event—should be fun.