Jamie’s Books

Jamie and his partner Maddie Grant have been writing books about workplace culture and the future of work since 2012.

Culture Change Made Easy: See Your Hidden Workplace Patterns and Get Unstuck

The Companies That Change Culture The Fastest Will Win

We all want an exceptional workplace culture that delivers better results, but culture change seems daunting—it feels time-consuming, risky, and challenging to manage. The real problem, however, is that we’re not seeing the invisible patterns inside our culture that make culture change so hard. You can create a stronger, more resilient culture by uncovering your patterns and solving the problems they create—all in a matter of months, not years. When you learn how to accelerate your culture change, you will achieve new levels of success you didn’t think were possible.


Tools to Get It Done

Culture is big and nebulous, but the concepts in this book make it practical and manageable. If you are seeking a way to identify and focus on a few key culture priorities, with the intent to make change happen quickly, Jamie and Maddie have the tools to help you get it done.

Christina Ricke, People Leader, Pinion

The Non-Obvious Guide to Employee Engagement: For Millennials, Boomers and Everyone Else

Unlock the True Potential of Your Workforce

If you want your organization to start meeting and exceeding the expectations you have for it, then you need to address the problem of your disengaged workforce. Learn how to define employee engagement in a way that connects directly to what makes both your organization and your employees more successful.


The Best Part…It Works!

Maddie and Jamie provide a practical outcomes-based approach to employee engagement. They understand how to make an intentional impact within your organization and they provide a step-by-step guide on how to get there.

Shawn Vanderziel, CHRO, The Field Museum of Natural History

When Millennials Take Over: Preparing for the Ridiculously Optimistic Future of Business

Ready or Not, the Future of Business Is Here

It’s one in which companies must learn how to move faster, flatten their hierarchies, share more openly, and operate more digitally. Learn how to stay relevant to customers, capitalize on opportunities in the marketplace, and attract top talent.


Learn to Harness Their Energy and Insights

When Millennials Take Over reveals what Generation Y can teach us all about creating organizations with stronger cultures and expanded influence in the market. Whatever you think of Millennials, they’ve arrived during a tectonic shift in management. Through case studies, real-world research, and client examples, this book highlights how to harness their energy and insights.

Adam Grant, Wharton Professor & New York Times Bestselling Author

Humanize: How People-Centric Organizations Succeed in a Social World

Social Media Revolutionized Management Just as Much as It Did Marketing

Humanize offers a clear roadmap for bringing your organization “up to code” in the digital age. It identifies 12 distinct organizational traits that must be developed if you want to remain competitive in this changing landscape. The book cites both research and case studies of organizations who have succeeded by embracing these principles, like decentralization, transparency, collaboration, and experimentation–companies like Starbucks, Whole Foods, and Dell.


Stimulating and well done!

Humanize is a deep dive on the impact of social media on leadership and the challenges of harnessing the power of engaged people. Wherever you are in the organization, this book helps you figure out what you need to change and dares you to make it happen.

Mark Sanborn, New York Times Bestselling Author of the Fred Factor

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