Hugh Macleod posted an interesting video to his blog. He does marketing for Stormhoek wine, from South Africa, and they recently did a release party for a new wine in the small town of Alpine, Texas, where Hugh now lives. Specifically, they did it at Harry's Tinaja, and the video is an interview with Harry. He speaks rather nonchalantly about how nice it is in Alpine, where he seems to have ended up almost accidentally, and how silly it is for this wine company to do an opening at his restaurant.

Then at the end, he says "My big dream? I live my big dream."

I was really struck by it. It's almost hard to describe why. I guess I was surprised. I mean, living your big dream is a big deal, right? So why was this guy so calm about it? Then again, why not be calm? Why does living your big dream have to be the subject of a Jim Collins book ,or a vignette in a Tony Robbins seminar, or a segment on Oprah? Why does it need to receive acclaim? Isn't just living your big dream enough?

So why aren't you doing it?

Jamie Notter