There is a nice, brief article in the Forethought section of HBR this month about the issue of delivering bad news to bosses. Everyone knows that as a boss it is important to receive bad news. The dynamics of systems where that is not the case have been well documented. The boss reacts badly when bad news is presented, so the direct reports learn very quickly to NOT deliver that news, which means they skirt around the issue or cover it up until they can fix it. Next thing you know, you have Enron.

So bosses are onto this, and will state very explicitly that they want to hear the bad news, that they welcome it and support their employees in delivering it. One problem: employees don’t believe them. According to the authors, the managers often exhibit behaviors that is in direct contradiction to their stated preference. That is, they change the subject when bad news is introduced, or avoid interaction with "the messenger." It seems actions speak much louder than words in this case, because employees will censor themselves when they see this behavior. From the article:

Managers should assume that they are less open to unwelcome messages than they think—and recognize that they may be sending subtle signals that discourage frank input.

The authors’ solution: get better feedback that is specifically about YOU (not a generic employee survey). Of course, how exactly do you get people to deliver to you the "bad news" that you don’t welcome bad news?

Jamie Notter