I’ve just hit a new high with my blog (you mean beyond having non-family subscribers outnumber family subscribers?): I recently shared part of an award in Kevin Holland’s "Why Not" awards (as in "Hey, I can give awards. Why not?") over at the Associations Inc. blog.

Jeff De Cagna, Chris Bailey and I all tied for "Best Blogoclump Blog Post." The "blogoclump" refers to the loose-knit group of people who blog consistently about the association community (we weren’t weighty enough to qualify as a "blogosphere"). Kevin gave me credit for my post on the "Power of Incompetence." Friend and business partner Jeff De Cagna scored for his post about being strategically "DUMB" and Chris Bailey made it in for a nice post about "Hand-sy" management (favorite quote from that post: "Laissez-faire might be good for market economics, but sucks when it comes to management").

Thanks Kevin, for the props. If I gave out awards you would definitely win the "Best Awards" award, although there might be a conflict of interest there.

Jamie Notter