How Successful Leaders Think

I hate it when the next month’s HBR comes out before I’ve read the good articles in this month’s! So I’m busy reading these days. The one article that is a “can’t miss” in the June edition is by Roger Martin, titled “How Successful Leaders Think.” The short version:...

Leadership and Intention

Ben Martin made a very brief post a while ago about becoming a leader by simply being yourself. It sparked an interesting comment thread, in which I make several points. The bulk of my part of the discussion was distinguishing between emulating people you see as good...

Do You Want Distinctive or Good?

Chip and Dan Heath now have a “Made to Stick” column in Fast Company (that’s the title of their book). June’s edition talks about word of mouth marketing and how products can be interesting enough to command a “conversation.” As great as the Ritz Carlton is, they...

It Takes 40 Years to Discover Poetry?

Last Sunday was my 40th birthday. I made no big deal of this. No party. I was out of town, in fact. But I will admit that being on this side of that birthday feels more “different” than I thought it would. I did get a chance to have a quiet brunch with some family...
Jamie Notter