Generalizing about Generations

An interesting little conversation has developed in the blogoclump about the Millennial generation. It started when Lisa Junker posted a letter from Brynn Grumstrup Slate, a millennial reader of Associations Now, who was commenting on the article about Millennials...

Comment of the Week

David Gammel posted a wise (and laugh-out-loud) comment on one of BMart’s recent posts. Ben wrote up a great primer for new bloggers to the ‘clump on how to be, well, actually PART of the ‘clump. Bottom line: read what others write, talk about it,...

So, How Does That Make You Feel?

Sometimes I lament to clients that I have to fight against the reputation of being “touchy-feely” in my work. Once classified as touchy-feely, I can lose the respect of many in the business world. And, for the record, I’ve never sung Kumbaya at the end of one of my...
Jamie Notter