
Last month we sold our 1,000th copy of We Have Always Done It That Way: 101 Things About Associations We Must Change. When we wrote the book, we had absolutely no target for sales. Of course the more people that buy it the better, but we mostly wanted to get the...

Why Tom Peters Gets Out of Bed

Tom Peters did some end-of-summer thinking about why he does what he does, and wrote it up in a little white paper. Here is the first sentence (without his parenthetical clauses and some editing):Passionate servant leaders must necessarily create organizations which...

Hard Work Means More than Hours

Seth Godin posts something he wrote four years ago in is blog, but some of its points I think are timeless. It’s mostly about what it means to work hard. In manual labor, that was easy to measure, but what about when we all sit at a desk? People then cite how many...
Jamie Notter