More on Being Human in Organizations

I have written two posts that are explicitly about being human this year. The first was building off Dan Oestreich's blog and the second was building off of Gary Hamel's awesome book, The Future of Management.  In both posts I make a fairly simple...

Big Picture and Little Picture

Both the big picture and the little picture are important. Forest and trees. Got it. But why do we insist that the big picture is the responsibility of the "leaders" in an organization, and the details are the domain of others?Okay, I get that you...

Ride Allegheny 9 In the Books

I am back in the office this morning after completing (for the 8th time) a 291-mile bike ride from Pittsburgh to (almost) Gaithersburg in support of Operation Second Chance, a charity that supports wounded soldiers at Walter Reed.The ride was great! The weather held...
Jamie Notter