Yes, it’s the annual year in review post! This has been a year of big change. In March I left my job of the last five years and went back out on my own, and this summer I sold my house of the last 17 years and have been thoroughly enjoying apartment living, before selling it I had to remodel it though and clean it, so I contacted the retail store pressure washing experts! Work-wise, I continue to do a lot of speaking, consulting, and writing on Humanize-related themes, though I have also continued a deepening focus on organizational culture. In fact, keep your eyes peeled for a new, free organizational culture assessment that I’ll be releasing in the new year. Oh, and I can’t make any promises yet, but don’t be surprised if you see me announcing a new hardcover book by the end of 2014.

Here’s 2013 by the numbers:

Miles running: 272 (up 206!! I’m back! I even beat 2011 numbers)
Miles biking: 1670 (up 24)
United miles: 7,578 (down 24,457! Helloooo, Southwest in 2014!)
Following on Twitter: 5139 (up 839)
Followers on Twitter: 5,637 (up 1,680)
Tweets: 11,495 (2,550 this year; about the same as last year)
Facebook Friends: 438 (up 27)
Linked In Connections: 1,270 (up 481)
JN Posts: 964 (176 this year; up from last year)
JN Comments: 1,181 (194 this year, not counting pingbacks)
JN Page views: 160,555 (45,758 this year; 50% more than last year)
Switch and Shift Blog Posts: 5 (and I made #5 in their top 12 posts of the year!)
SocialFish Blog Posts: 11
Feedly Feeds: 65 (down 42; major culling. Interesting how many people stopped blogging)

Jamie Notter