Cleaning my desk, I came across my notes from Jeff De Cagna's ASAE Annual Meeting Session that I think was titled "Associations Next." There was more to his program than my notes, obviously (you can actually view his session online), but even the notes are worth thinking about on an ongoing basis.

Jeff argued that there are six paradigms facing associations, each with a principle that can guide them as they try to deal with what's going on (and in the session we got into the detail of "practices" based on those principles, but I don't have notes on those). Take a look at the paradigms and principles and think about what they mean for your association:

Paradigm: Membership is a commodity
Principle: Meaning is the business Case

Paradigm: Contribution is King
Principle: Embrace Simplicity

Paradigm: Networks trump hierarchies
Principle: Govern from the outside in.

Paradigm: Control is history
Principle: Strategy demands learning

Paradigm: Innovation is everywhere
Principle: Embrace diversity

Jamie Notter