What I’m Reading

Okay, so I really don't do a regular "what I'm reading" post on this blog, for a couple of reasons.  First, the stuff that I really love that I read on the internet tends to make its way into my blog posts (and I link to them there). Second, I...

What I'm Reading

Okay, so I really don't do a regular "what I'm reading" post on this blog, for a couple of reasons.  First, the stuff that I really love that I read on the internet tends to make its way into my blog posts (and I link to them there). Second, I...

Book Tour: Open Community

Lindy Dreyer and Maddie Grant published their first book this week. W00t! It's called Open Community: A Little Book of Big Ideas for Associations Navigating the Social Web. They gave me an advance copy and even put a quote from me in the "praise for Open...

The Future Is Now

Did anyone out there remember buying or reading Exploring the Future: Seven Strategic Conversations that Could Transform Your association? It was a book put out by ASAE and the ASAE Foundation and written by Robert Olson and Atul Dighe way back in 2001. That's...
Jamie Notter