Aw Shucks…

I am humbled by the glowing reviews of my "Who’s In Charge?" article that Virgil Carter and Kerry Stackpole provided as comments to my last post. But they also reminded me of something I forgot to mention: ASAE & The Center now provide the option...

Who’s In Charge?

For my association friends (who I assume are members of ASAE & The Center), the November issue of Associations Now should be hitting your mailbox soon, and I’ve got an article in there titled "Who’s In Charge?" I wrote it based on a series of...

Who's In Charge?

For my association friends (who I assume are members of ASAE & The Center), the November issue of Associations Now should be hitting your mailbox soon, and I’ve got an article in there titled "Who’s In Charge?" I wrote it based on a series of...

Good Reading

The Wall Street Journal announced the winners of their “Top Small Workplaces” for 2007, and then they asked the winners to recommend books for others who wanted to create great workplaces. The full list is here. Four of the fifteen are books that I have reviewed on my...

Another Review of The No A**hole Rule

Not too long ago I reviewed Bob Sutton’s book, The No Asshole Rule, on my web site. I just discovered another review of the book, written by association executive Bob Hall. He actually does a very brief summary of each chapter, so if you want a good feel for what’s...
Jamie Notter