What Were They Thinking?

I’ve already quoted it on the Association Renewal Blog, but Guy Kawasaki has an interview on his blog with Jeffrey Pfeffer, who apparently has a new book out, called What Were They Thinking? Unconventional Wisdom About Management. Pfeffer is one of my favorites. He...

Strategic Planning Horror Stories

My friend Jeff and I are writing a book about strategy work in associations. One of our main points is that strategic planning is not only dead–it’s actually killing us. As such, we are looking for stories from people who have wasted serious time in the...

Review of “Send”

Allow me to predict the future: You will either send or receive an email today. Okay, that wasn’t a stretch, but given how universal and voluminous email is in our world today, it seems odd that very few of us have been given any instruction about how best to use...

Review of "Send"

Allow me to predict the future: You will either send or receive an email today. Okay, that wasn’t a stretch, but given how universal and voluminous email is in our world today, it seems odd that very few of us have been given any instruction about how best to use...
Jamie Notter