Social Media and Trust

Please check out the article in this month’s Forum magazine by my good friend, Jeff De Cagna, about social media strategy (and thanks, Jeff, for plugging our book in the article!). I particularly like what he had to say about trust, a recent theme in my postings...

Always Done It That Way Top 5: The #1 Post!

Okay, here is my favorite post from the We Have Always Done It That Way book. This one came directly out of several different client projects I had going on at the same time. They were making slower progress than I thought they should, and I couldn’t figure out why....

Voting for Change

There are two pieces to this post, and the first is a call to action (the second will be the background that explains it in more detail). So here’s the action part. My friend Jeff De Cagna currently as a “manifesto” proposal being evaluated at the Change This site. In...

Top 5 Always Done It That Way Posts: Number 3

Time for another one of my top five postings from the Always Done It That Way book. This one is number three on the list, and it is about avoiding that sticky discussion of who actually is “in charge.” Avoiding Clarity About Who Is in Charge We sometimes hear leaders...
Jamie Notter