Five Things We Must Change

I am very excited about the positive reactions we have been getting from people who have read our new book. Jesse Wilkins posted a review of the book on his blog, and then was kind enough to post the review on the Lulu site (we’re looking for other reactions on...

Double the Conflict Skills

Okay, I’ve started reading the Gerzon book on conflict. I’ve hardly read anything yet, so I don’t particularly have a real update on what the book says compared to the Associations Now article. However, in response to Dina’s comment, there are more than four skills...

Bridging Conflict

Associations Now has an article by Mark Gerzon about “bridging leadership.” Gerzon comes from the conflict resolution field, and has a new book titled Leading Through Conflict (I just ordered it, so expect some more from me on it later). Gerzon talks about the power...

Vacation Mind

Sorry for the brief hiatus, but the family and I were on vacation last week (and now I am having trouble adjusting to the real world!). And despite all the good business-related books I want to (or should) read, I chose what is for me a true vacation book: The...
Jamie Notter