Leadership is Not Comfortable

I said last week that I would "push back" against some of the things I learned at ASAE & The Center's CEO Symposium. There were times during the presentations where I felt the speakers made some generically accurate statements, yet overlooked some...

Why Is Your Organization Not Human?

Here's post number two on Gary Hamel's Future of Management. I'm still in the first section of the book where he is talking about the three "meta issues" companies face when trying to actually change the way we manage. The first is creating...

Evolving Organizational Identity

Like Joe Gerstandt, I can't let the exquisite post by Maddie Grant about the paradox of identity go unremarked. Maddie was reflecting initially on the paradoxes of identity in the "digital age," where we create identity profiles in different social...

Culture Matters

Joe Gerstandt has done an outstanding series of blog posts about organizational culture. Seriously, I usually just refer people to Ed Schein's book on culture, but if you want to get just as much wisdom (but in only four blog posts), go read what Joe has to say...
Jamie Notter