What About Love?

Tom Peters has a very interesting point on his blog about the basic principles that underlie all the good management books out there. He argues that the basic principles get less attention than do the newest programs in human resources or management.Re-imagine...

Re-Tuning Your Radar

Guy Kawasaki pointed me to an interesting report about internet trends done by Avenue A/Razorfish. You can get the 104 page report for free as a PDF. While the whole area of internet advertising and web site design is not my specialty, the title of the report caught...

The Power of Conversations

There is yet another good article in the Sloan Management Review this summer, this one focusing on an important problem in project management: silence. I think it goes beyond project management, but the article points to five crucial conversations that simply don’t...

Why Tom Peters Gets Out of Bed

Tom Peters did some end-of-summer thinking about why he does what he does, and wrote it up in a little white paper. Here is the first sentence (without his parenthetical clauses and some editing):Passionate servant leaders must necessarily create organizations which...

On Leadership, Governance, and Language

Not only did Virgil add ANOTHER great comment to my response, Jeff De Cagna has also joined in the discussion, responding to Virgil’s comment about “ungovernance.” There’s a lot to talk about among all these posts and comments, so please read them and chime in, dear...
Jamie Notter