Confronting People and "Ground Rules"

Lisa Junker already made reference to the interview with psychologist Howard Gardner in this month’s Harvard Business Review. She focused on his comments about “anti-mentors,” the people who teach you about leadership by doing the WRONG things. Toward the end of the...

Downloading Decisions

Harvard is not the only institution of higher learning in the Boston/Cambridge area, so I’m now reading MIT’s Sloan Management Review, in addition to HBR. Petere Senge is at MIT, so he’s got a great article in the Winter 2007 issue (blogged about it at Association...

Employee Education

As a follow up to yesterday’s post about bad bosses, I want to focus on the employee side a little. I had lunch on Friday with a CEO who just took a new job and is frustrated with several of the staff people she inherited. Under the previous boss, the level of work...

Relationships at Work

Associations Now this month has a little piece up front about the “bad boss” (although they announce that next month they will do one on “evil employee”). It’s drawn from Buckingham and Coffman’s First Break All the Rules book. This is my favorite quote:But if your...
Jamie Notter