Is Twitter Serious?

That was the topic of a lengthy conversation on the ASAE & The Center Executive Management listserver this past week. It revealed the usual concerns: it's a waste of time, I don't want to know what you had for lunch, I'm overloaded with communication...

New Leadership

For some reason the blog posts I've been reading have been on fire lately. Particularly hot has been the writing of Maddie Grant, both on the YAP blog and on her Socialfishing blog. Her post on Sociafishing was based on a post done by Scott Brinker, but I like...

Word of Mouth Meme

I've been tagged by blogging and social media superstar Lindy Dryer in the Word of Mouth Meme that Lindy's partner in crime, Maddie Grant, started recently. The point of this meme is to simply share stories about how word of mouth plays a part in all aspects...

Thoughts About Wikipedia

Wikipedia has caught my attention lately. First, in the article I blogged about yesterday in the October HBR, Scott Cook from Intuit is talking about using volunteers to help for-profit companies build their businesses. He argues that there is resistance to this...
Jamie Notter