Leading Broken Organizations

Bruce Butterfield has created an interesting dialogue over on the ASAE listserve when he compared the association community to the struggling/dying industry of newspapers. Maddie posted about it, as did Peggy. Glen Tecker did a pushback post, arguing that we...

Documents Are Not Strategy

Here's a quick lesson that I think needs some reinforcement: your strategy documents are not your strategy. I know that we all know this already, but looking at the behavior of so many organizations, I'm not so sure. We invest so much time and money in...

Simple but Not Easy

Thank you, Maddie Grant, for posting a thoughtful response to my "Clarity is Hard Work" post. Everyone please go read it if you haven't already. As expected, her focus is on how to "just get crackin." She provides a random example of an...

The Hard Work of Clarity

Last Friday I had the extreme pleasure to present a session with Lindy Dreyer and Maddie Grant of SocialFish at ASAE’s first ever Social Media Workshop. The title of our session is "What Social Media Means for the Way We Work." Maddie has already completely...

Platforms and Secession

This month's case study in Associations Now is about a Board member who feels his Special Interest Group isn't getting enough attention/resources from the association, so he threatens to start his own association. My friends KiKi L'Italien and Jay Karen...
Jamie Notter