I am off to Chicago and Antwerp this week.

On Tuesday morning, I’ll be doing the opening keynote at the annual meeting of IHRIM, the association for the Human Resource Information Management industry. The title of my talk is “Unlocking the Power of Human Organizations.” I’ll hang around after my talk to sign some books in the exhibit hall, but then I’ve got some free time before my flight to Belgium that evening (who’s up for lunch or coffee?).

Then Thursday and Friday I am speaking at the Fusion Marketing Experience conference in Antwerp. I am excited about my first gig in Europe. I’ll do two sessions there, the first covering the basic arguments in Humanize, and then the second digging a little more deeply into how you can start to make change in your organization.

I try to keep all the speaking engagements up to date over on the Humanize book site if you want to keep up with where Maddie and I will be next. If you’re interested in booking me to speak at an event, please contact Marsha Broniszewski at Infinite Speakers.

Jamie Notter