Statistically speaking, you’re probably a millennial. This isn’t just a wild guess. It’s a statistical probability. Right now millennials are the largest group in the US workforce and will soon make up 75% of the global workforce.

Even if you’re a member of this generation, creating a millennial wellness plan your peers will be enthusiastic about might feel overwhelming, but don’t be intimidated. The trick is making them feel comfortable.

Like every generation, millennials have settled on their own way of doing things, and what they love is convenience, technology, and social interaction. Here’s how you can add these elements to your wellness offerings.

Millennial Wellness is Convienent

Millennials expect their workplace to provide a culture of health. Further, they agree that “living or working in a healthy environment” influences their personal health. In fact, millennials value health more than previous generations.

As millennials slowly take over the workforce, organizations are evolving to meet their expectations. An important part of this is making health and wellness easier than ever.

When crafting your millennial wellness strategy, opt to bring well-being initiatives onsite whenever possible. Research suggests that this effort will pay off, as 45% percent of millennial employees say they’re more likely to participate in health and wellness programs if they’re easy to do or convenient.

Consider organizing weekly #wellnesswednesday fitness classes or health and relaxation programs like yoga, massage therapy, or HIIT classes. Additionally, shaking up the routine by adding stability balls or treadmill desks can promote good health and have a positive impact on productivity.

Incorporate Healthy Food Choices

Diet is another important part of millennial wellness. One way to address this is by offering clean, locally-sourced lunch options. Another idea is starting an in-office wellness marketplace with organic snacks.

By creating these options, you are not only encouraging better nutrition but demonstrating your commitment to helping employees be healthy.

Along with healthy activities and food, health experts can be brought in. An HRA (health risk assessment) is an easy way to get key wellness information, and a simple in-office screening is a very practical option. It can encourage healthy lifestyle choices, get employees to think about their own health and wellness, and aid in the implementation of incentive programs. Learn more about exipure benefits.

Variety is Key

Millennials tend to go for more modern fitness options as opposed to the usual elliptical trainer routine. Alternatives like hot yoga, spinning, or CrossFit are more to their taste.

Offering a variety of options lets employees of any generation find a way to get fitness into their schedule. A variety-centric program like Gympass, which gives employees the chance to try thousands of new activities and classes, can put your millennial wellness efforts front and center.

Encourage Wellness On-the-Go

Millennials love smartphones. Research shows that apps can play a significant role in improving both physical and mental well-being.

Apps like offer emotional support services, and meditation apps like Headspace or Calm, can guide employees toward mindfulness to help manage anxiety.

For physical health, fitness wearables provide a simple and enjoyable way to keep millennials engaged in physical activities. Options like Fitbit’s Versa help track changes in their health, monitor progress, and give employees a way to compete and share their accomplishments via you guessed it, a smartphone app.

Wearables also help employees set and track goals, like walking 10,000 steps a day or never sitting for more than 30 minutes at a time.

Millennial Wellness is Social

Of all generations, millennials are the most likely to partake in “friendly competitions.” This can be anything from video games to an office ping pong tournament or fitness challenges.

You may want to add game mechanics to motivate and engage millennials through fitness challenges or by providing access to social web platforms where they can team up or initiate their own mini-challenges.

The US-based tech company Cummins holds companywide competitions called the Champions’ Challenge. Any employee who participates in their wellness program is invited to join. They’re given a series of challenges and earn points with everyone they complete.