I am in Orlando, Florida for ASAE & The Center’s Great Ideas Conference (and not to brag, but I have attended EVERY Great Ideas conference ever held, back to when they were done by GWSAE).

This Sunday, I speak on the topic "Who’s In Charge." My presentation will be based on the article by that name that appeared in the November issue of Associations Now. I am really looking forward to the presentation, because it will give those who show up the chance to talk in more depth about what it really means to speak the truth about power in organizations. That’s not just speaking the truth TO power, but really speaking the truth ABOUT power–being honest about how things really get decided and done.

So if you’re in Orlando, join me. My session is at 2:15 on Sunday afternoon.

Also, if you are at the conference, don’t forget to joint the text-messaging "backchannel." We experimented with this at the Annual meeting in Chicago, and it was great. Thanks to Dave Sabol, we have created a group on Kiboze. You can sign up for free and then easily send texts to everyone who has signed up. It’s like a text-message listerver (but beware of how your mobile phone charges for texts!).

Dave has all the instructions here. If you want to be in the know with the hip crowd (hip as in geek, of course), then you must be part of the backchannel!

Jamie Notter