As I predicted in last year's final post, I think I did get a little more settled this year. Not that life didn't throw any curves at me, like getting two new association management clients all of a sudden this fall, but I have shifted out of constant crisis mode at work (and in life, come to think of it), and that feels nice. The downside has been very little time for consulting this year, and I plan on changing that in 2010. I said I would blog more this year, and while the number of posts was about the same, I think the quality and depth of the posts has been increasing. Not to mention that I now write on two other blogs!

I said I wanted to get out there more this year (articles, presentations, ebooks), and I did, though probably a little less than I wanted. I spoke at the CalSAE and wrote an article for them, and I was lucky enough to slide in and do a presentation on conflict at ASAE in Toronto, but the article I promised Lisa Junker is still in draft form (sorry Lisa!). And I've now become a speaker on social media, having presented with Lindy and Maddie at ASAE's first Social Media Workshop, and two social-media related presentations in early 2010 already scheduled. 

I'm not one for resolutions, but I do have some clear intentions for 2010. I intend to do more work with leaders who really want to change their organizations. I recognize this is a fairly small market, but I want to find these people and do some good work with them. This is an offshoot of the ideas I've been playing with around "truth," though I don't expect the work to be framed that way necessarily. It's also connected to my social media work. 

I also intend to do more work with organizations on strategy. I've already got this lined up with one of the association clients I am managing this year, but I think it's time to apply my four-word mantra more broadly. The association community is still stuck in a strategic planning rut, and I plan on working with leaders who see this and want something more.

Here's 2009 in numbers:

Miles running: 337 (down 96)
Miles biking: 1,651 (down 519)
United miles: 18,559 (down almost 7,000; no premier; boo)
Following on Twitter: 683 (up 463)
Followers on Twitter: 763 (up 529)
Tweets: 3,322 (1,804 this year)
Facebook Friends: 228 (up 81)
Linked In Contacts: 185 (up 99)
Get Me Jamie Notter subscribers: 501 (up 235)
GMJN Posts: 519 (102 in 2009)
GMJN Comments: 673 (192 in 2009)
GMJN Page views: 47,919 (17,590 in 2009)
Average Daily GMJN Page Views: 28.20 (up 5.60)
Hourglass Blog Posts: 16
Common Thread Blog Posts: 5
Google Reader Feeds: 71 (up 12, but I don't read as much still)
Unread Feed Posts: 270
Email Inbox: 372
Always Done It That Way Books Sold: 1,586 (144 in 2009; not bad for a 2006 publication!)
Generational Diversity Ebooks Sold: 94 (12 in 2009, but I'm giving them away free now)

Happy New Year, everyone!

Jamie Notter