1. Consulting Services

As Vice President of Organizational Effectiveness at Management Solutions Plus, I offer a range of consulting, training, and speaking services to clients both in and out of the association community. If you’re reading the blog, then you get a pretty good sense...

Strategy and Structural Break

Thanks to Ann Oliveri for pointing me to an article that McKinsey put out on "Strategy in a Structural Break." The author is from UCLA and provided a fresh perspective to some of the other stuff I see on strategy (one of which pointed out that spring is...

Oh Yeah…We're Human Beings

Thanks to Etienne Laliberté of the Contrarian Thinking blog for including me among a list of favorite blog posts–not only because it was nice and might have diverted a few more people to my Strategy in Four Words or Less Post, but because it diverted ME to a...

Oh Yeah…We’re Human Beings

Thanks to Etienne Laliberté of the Contrarian Thinking blog for including me among a list of favorite blog posts–not only because it was nice and might have diverted a few more people to my Strategy in Four Words or Less Post, but because it diverted ME to a...
Jamie Notter