Jamie Notter Blog
How Does Your Culture Serve You?
I was talking the other day to a leader in an organization whose culture was fairly traditionally “hierarchical.” There was a clear hierarchy there, and people had it on their radar that you shouldn’t do things or say things unless someone above you in the chain...
You Call It Digital Transformation; I Call It Culture Change
I’m not in the digital transformation business, though I know many consultants and client organizations who are in the middle of it. And Maddie, of course, is a digital strategist, so I’ve got an inside track to someone who knows the business and has done the work....
The Myth of Generation Z
I see a lot written these days about this mysterious new generation that follows the Millennials, often called Generation Z. Yes, just when you thought you had figured out the “kids these days,” now you have to start all over again with a whole new generation! Or do...
The Down-Side of Efficiency
I had two remarkably similar conversations last week with two organizations that could not be more different from each other. One was a large, global corporation, and the other was a small nonprofit, but they were both struggling with the same issue: not enough time....
Fake News and Workplace Culture
This week I released a new online training program in conflict resolution, and one of the lessons in the course talks about “valuing stories over truth.” People are sometimes surprised by that notion. After all, in this age of fake news, doesn’t the truth matter? Of...
Catch Me Online and In Person
Happy new year everyone! 2018 is already shaping up to be a busy year, particularly in the speaking department. Here are some of the venues you can hear me speak in the near future, both online and in person: QuestionPro Webinar: Workplace Culture Benchmarking,...
What’s In Your Culture Playbook?
People tell me all the time that culture change is hard. And while it may be hard work, I will tell you right now—it’s not as hard as you think. When we do our culture consulting, we help clients come up with a clear set of culture priorities for aligning their...
Where Are Organizations the Most Traditional?
We’ve been collecting culture data for about two years now, and while we don’t have enough to provide truly statistically significant benchmarks (and don’t get me started, because I’m not sure culture benchmarks is the direction we want to go), we do, at least, have...
Remember the Process Side of Culture Too
I’ve noticed an interesting pattern among the organizations that have measured their cultures using our culture assessment to date. While every culture is unique, I’m noticing that when it comes to Markers like Agility, Collaboration, and Transparency, many...