It’s the People, Stupid

Not having time to write my blog is easy when other people do it for me! Today I just have to point to Hugh MacLeod’s awesome post from a few days ago called "the cultural problem." In short, he was commenting on the fact that large tech companies,...

It's the People, Stupid

Not having time to write my blog is easy when other people do it for me! Today I just have to point to Hugh MacLeod’s awesome post from a few days ago called "the cultural problem." In short, he was commenting on the fact that large tech companies,...

Helping People Change

Maddie and Jeff have written some very thought-provoking posts in the last week or so that have been framed as revolution vs. incremental. The posts are really good, and I do recommend reading each one. Here they are in order: Jeff started with a post about strategic...

People versus Systems Association Style

Last week I blogged about people versus systems, and Jeff De Cagna added the following comment:Jamie, let’s take this conversation into the volunteer realm, in which associations do not have all of the flexibility they would like in choosing "the...

The Danger of the Bubble

There has been some conversation on the ASAE listserve about social responsibility and the environment: in short, can we change the way we do things (flying all over the place to attend meetings, for instance) so that we are better aligned with our goal to preserve...
Jamie Notter