Disrupt or Be Disrupted. Pick One.

Nearly two years ago, my friend Jeff De Cagna wrote a series of posts for ASAE’s blog (remember Acronym!?) about Umair Haque’s book, The New Capitalist Manifesto. Jeff started the series with a point about disruption. Apparently that’s the question...

Making "What is" Visible

So I am back from my whirlwind, three-city tour last week (Phoenix, Toronto, Chicago), which explains my lack of blogging. I had a fabulous time at three very different events. Monday I was speaking at the Organization Development Network’s annual meeting. These...

It’s the Culture, Stupid

Organizational culture is a funny thing. I think most people would agree that it’s important. I don’t hear people saying, “Nah, it doesn’t matter what our organizational culture is; we’ll perform well regardless.” And if you ask a...
Jamie Notter