by Jamie Notter | Oct 10, 2007 | Culture, Leadership, Managing People
Jon Katzenbach is a co-author of one of my favorite books, The Wisdom of Teams. He was a consultant at McKinsey and then created his own firm, Katzenbach Partners. They have recently released a report, titled The Informal Organization, that addresses some critical...
by Jamie Notter | Sep 25, 2007 | Culture, Leadership, Managing People
There is yet another good article in the Sloan Management Review this summer, this one focusing on an important problem in project management: silence. I think it goes beyond project management, but the article points to five crucial conversations that simply don’t...
by Jamie Notter | Aug 21, 2007 | Culture, Leadership
Virgil Carter posted a great comment on yesterday’s post. There are several interesting points, but let me focus on one:Perhaps the biggest leadership challenge is understanding that non-profit (particularly IMO) leadership is most often in teams, ie, project teams,...
by Jamie Notter | Jul 11, 2007 | Culture
There’s an article in Workforce Management that discusses the (debatable) positive impact that a “kinder” workforce culture can have on organizational performance. Honestly, the article doesn’t make a particularly convincing case one way or another. There is an...
by Jamie Notter | Jun 11, 2007 | Conflict, Culture, Leadership, Managing People
Scott Briscoe in Associations Now interviewed Deborah Ancona, an MIT Management professor, who has a new book out about teams. I had heard of Ancona only in an article in HBR about distributed leadership, but I really liked it, so I was glad to see she’s got a book...
by Jamie Notter | Jun 7, 2007 | Culture, Individual Development, Leadership
Lisa Junker (ASAE & The Center staff and Acronym blogger) commented on my last post about the “inner work life” article in HBR, pointing to another specific point in the article:I was especially interested in Amabile and Kramer’s findings about the ways that...