The Informal Organization

Jon Katzenbach is a co-author of one of my favorite books, The Wisdom of Teams. He was a consultant at McKinsey and then created his own firm, Katzenbach Partners. They have recently released a report, titled The Informal Organization, that addresses some critical...

The Power of Conversations

There is yet another good article in the Sloan Management Review this summer, this one focusing on an important problem in project management: silence. I think it goes beyond project management, but the article points to five crucial conversations that simply don’t...

Plays Well With Others

Virgil Carter posted a great comment on yesterday’s post. There are several interesting points, but let me focus on one:Perhaps the biggest leadership challenge is understanding that non-profit (particularly IMO) leadership is most often in teams, ie, project teams,...

A Kinder, Gentler Organization?

There’s an article in Workforce Management that discusses the (debatable) positive impact that a “kinder” workforce culture can have on organizational performance. Honestly, the article doesn’t make a particularly convincing case one way or another. There is an...

Mood and Creativity

Lisa Junker (ASAE & The Center staff and Acronym blogger) commented on my last post about the “inner work life” article in HBR, pointing to another specific point in the article:I was especially interested in Amabile and Kramer’s findings about the ways that...
Jamie Notter