The Downside of Control: Brittle

Smart guy Joe Gerstandt referred me to another smart guy, Dave Pollard, who wrote an interesting blog post about groups actually resolving their own inadequacies (wouldn’t that be nice?!). In the post, he talks about complex adaptive systems: Nature’s way...

Set Your People Free

In Gary Hamel's book, he suggests three areas on which to focus when creating a more human organization, and one of them is "too much management, too little freedom." As I said in my previous post, most people will agree with that statement at the high...

Leadership is Not Comfortable

I said last week that I would "push back" against some of the things I learned at ASAE & The Center's CEO Symposium. There were times during the presentations where I felt the speakers made some generically accurate statements, yet overlooked some...

Lessons from the CEO Symposium

Last week I attended ASAE & The Center's CEO Symposium. I think this is one of their most successful programs, as it's been running multiple times per year for more than a decade. As a consultant, this is a program I did not have access to in the past, but...

Trauma Free Renewal

I am trying to get through Gary Hamel's The Future of Management because (a) it is totally awesome and (b) I have a long list of other books I want to read. So I'm going to start some of my reflections on the first half of the book even before I have finished...
Jamie Notter