by Jamie Notter | Nov 27, 2006 | Culture, Managing People
In Jeffrey Pfeffer’s column in Business 2.0 this month is he cites a famous article by Albert Hirschman called “Exit, Voice, and Loyalty.” Hirschman argues that when people are dissatisfied, they have a choice: complain and try to change things, or leave. This means...
by Jamie Notter | Nov 17, 2006 | Conflict, Culture, Managing People
I like the article in HBR about “ambiguous threats” this month. I wrote about it on the Association Renewal blog in relation to the dangers of “data-driven” cultures. But I wanted to talk about it here in the way it talks about the “human factor,” even in dealing with...
by Jamie Notter | Nov 10, 2006 | Inclusion and Diversity, Managing People
Associations Now has a good article on Brainstorming. The term is very well-known now, but I find in organizations we rarely do it the way it was intended. As the article states, the purpose of brainstorming is to generate LOTS of ideas, on the assumption that you’ll...
by Jamie Notter | Sep 28, 2006 | Managing People
Shawn Lea wrote an interesting post over on the Acronym blog about the fact that managers overwhelmingly rate themselves as good managers, but their employees…not so much (92% versus 67%). One of the studies she quoted said that really only one third of managers will...
by Jamie Notter | Sep 28, 2006 | Managing People
Shawn Lea wrote an interesting post over on the Acronym blog about the fact that managers overwhelmingly rate themselves as good managers, but their employees…not so much (92% versus 67%). One of the studies she quoted said that really only one third of managers will...
by Jamie Notter | Sep 18, 2006 | Conflict, Inclusion and Diversity, Leadership, Managing People
Great article in HBR this month about trust. Trust is a huge issue for me, and I see it all the time in organizations. It was “half” of an article I co-wrote for the Journal of Association Leadership a couple of years ago on trust and conflict. One of the challenges...