Article about Staff Meetings

The story about staff meetings reminded me that I wrote an article about staff meetings a while back that I forgot to post on my website. I wrote a piece titled "Reinventing Staff Meetings" as a resource for the Association Forum of Chicagoland’s CEOnly...

Reinventing Staff Meetings

Here is another article from this month’s Forum magazine that mirrors one I wrote in the Always Done It That Way book and blog. This one is on staff meetings. Now, unlike the teambuilding article, I agree with many of the basic points the author makes in his article:...

Building Teams or Playing Games?

There is a lot of content to comment about in this month’s Forum magazine (Association Forum of Chicagoland), and some of it is pushing my buttons. Particularly the article about teambuilding. The article argues that fun and interesting team building exercises (ropes...

Sales v. Marketing

HBR’s summer issue is about sales—not really the focus of my work. But there was a good one about stopping the “war” between the sales and marketing departments. I like this one, because even if your organization doesn’t HAVE both sales and marketing departments, it’s...

Happy at Work

I’m posting a lot about generational differences on the Association Renewal Blog, particularly from the recent talk I heard by Arthur Brooks, who wrote the Smith Institute report on generational differences and associations. There’s one important point I wanted to...
Jamie Notter