Trust, Advertising, and Search

Here’s a quick follow-up piece to last week’s interesting conversation about trust (and if you haven’t read the comments on that post, check them out). Scott Brinker, a marketing guy, did a small survey about people’s attitudes related to the...

Starting with Trust

I have yet to come across anyone who argues that trust is a bad thing. There are certainly times where we don't trust people, and we wouldn't just blindly trust them because we think trust is generically a good thing, but we would never argue against the...

Stranded or Leading?

A lot of people who are doing social media in organizations, particularly associations, may resonate with the article on the Harvard Business Publishing blog that refers to "stranded evangelists." These are the people doing social media and experience...

Buzz 09

I don't normally do a whole lot of promotional blog posts. I certainly mention speaking engagements that I have and sure I like to plug the events that friends of mine are doing, though obviously I only plug them when I think they are valuable. But I want to draw...

I'm done Being "Messaged"

A couple of weeks ago I did a brief post about doing rather than saying. It stemmed from my frustration with traditional advertising messages I was hearing on TV. They were so disconnected from me and seemingly disingenuous that they were actually repulsive.Then this...

I’m done Being “Messaged”

A couple of weeks ago I did a brief post about doing rather than saying. It stemmed from my frustration with traditional advertising messages I was hearing on TV. They were so disconnected from me and seemingly disingenuous that they were actually repulsive.Then this...
Jamie Notter