Maddie “Reigning Blog Rookie of the Year” Grant has tagged me in the good ol’ Tell us five things we don’t know about you blogging meme. She tagged me and some other long time bloggers, pointing out that the association blogosphere has grown considerably in the last few years, so even though I’ve done a post like this before, not everyone really knows who I am. Good idea, Mads!

So here goes. I’ll try to add some different pieces to what I’ve written before.

One. Although Maddie used to have “reluctant blogger” in the title of her blog, I really WAS a reluctant blogger. I couldn’t imagine that I would want to write one, let alone that people would want to read it. It took Jeff De Cagna actually buying my domain name before I would even attempt a blog.

Two. I had the great fortune to travel internationally when I was young, mostly with my father when he was President of the American Institute of Architects. In a two-year period I managed to go to Panama, Australia, Hong Kong, Thailand, India, Greece, and England with him.

Three. Speaking of international, I used to do international conflict resolution. If you think getting Staff and Board to agree, try working with the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. I worked five years on training programs for people from the island of Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean. This means I am a fan of halloumi cheese.

Four. My oldest daughter has some mild, language-based learning disabilities. This can be challenging as a parent, but like all such challenges it has helped me grow in the end. If you haven’t taken a hard look at what passes for “normal,” you really should.

Five. I am a big fan of single malt scotch. I tend to favor the sweet over the peaty, and my favorites are Macallan and Highland Park.

Six (bonus). I invented the word Fogdirog.

I encourage (but do not require) the following bloggers to answer this call:

David Patt
Peggy Hoffman
Dave Sabol

Jamie Notter