There is an ad on the back cover of HBR this month for a company called Realization Technologies, touting their "Execution Management Systems." I like the ad because it has a certain 37-signals-like "get real" attitude. The first paragraph of the text talks about how so many companies bow to "politically and corporately correct gods" that spout nice sounding terms, but don’t "tell you what needs to be done and when."

They specialize in the latter and can save you a bunch of money (and they gave an impressive example). Okay. So far, I’m impressed.

Then I saw a typo in the last line:

"If you think, corporate correctness might be playing havoc with your execution, give us a call at…"

The comma after think shouldn’t be there. It was glaring.

They must have paid HUGE bucks for this ad, and they are touting assistance with execution, and they didn’t proof the copy?!

Little things can make a big difference.

Jamie Notter