Screen Shot 2013-09-16 at 3.23.32 PMHumanize is now available as an audio book on, and we’ve got five copies to give away! But instead of just giving 5 copies to the first five commenters, I thought I’d make it a bit more interesting. I want to give these books to people who want to give them as gifts to someone else.

Who do you know that would really benefit from the ideas in Humanize? A boss? A co-worker? A family member? The book is a guided tour of what the next era in leadership and management is going to look like. So if you can think of someone who would really benefit from thinking about (and acting on) those ideas, we’d like to get a copy of this audiobook in their hands.

The first five people to comment on this post and provide a general explanation of who they want to send the gift to and why, will get a code from me that they can use to redeem the free audiobook. You don’t have to name names or go into too much detail, just a sense of why this person would benefit from Humanize.

Happy gift-giving!


Jamie Notter