Quote of the Day

One person cannot ruin a good company.  It takes a strong management team to do that. Stepan Pachikov, who sold a successful virtual reality company to Silicon Graphics who, apparently, then ran it into the ground.As quoted on the Business 2.0 blog.

Top 5 Always Done It That Way Posts: Number 3

Time for another one of my top five postings from the Always Done It That Way book. This one is number three on the list, and it is about avoiding that sticky discussion of who actually is “in charge.” Avoiding Clarity About Who Is in Charge We sometimes hear leaders...

Margaret Wheatley on Fear

I want to draw your attention to a very powerful piece written by Margaret Wheatley. She is a great leadership author, and I particularly like Leadership and the New Science and Finding Our Way. She spoke at a conference last June and talked about the topic of...
Jamie Notter