It's Okay If They Leave

Seth Godin wrote a blog post about why blogging helps you become a better writer. Here’s one point that particularly caught my attention:4. It’s okay if you leave. Bloggers aren’t afraid to include links or distractions in their writing, because we...

It’s Okay If They Leave

Seth Godin wrote a blog post about why blogging helps you become a better writer. Here’s one point that particularly caught my attention:4. It’s okay if you leave. Bloggers aren’t afraid to include links or distractions in their writing, because we...

Article Downloads

It’s a little late to be reporting 2007 statistics (so sue me), but I finally looked at the numbers for views/downloads of the articles I have up (for free) on my website. In 2007 the articles were downloaded 14,501 times, up from about 8,500 the year before....

Can You Say What Your Strategy Is?

That is the title of a full article in HBR this month and it absolutely caught my attention. Think about it: if someone says, "So, what’s your strategy this year?" how would you answer? Would you forward them a PDF of your 39-page strategic plan? Then...
Jamie Notter