The Beauty of Competing Narratives

In Chapter 3 of Humanize, we make the case that organizations, in general, are not adapting fast enough to our changing times. And we don’t pull any punches. We actually say that best practices are “evil.” We suggest (citing well-researched books...

Word of the Day: Amplify

I give credit to Shelly Alcorn and her Association Subculture blog for triggering this post. She wrote a post about “volume,” referring to a very cool video of George Carlin. Carlin talked about how, later in his career, he learned to “raise his...

Rethinking Measurement

Thanks to David Patt, whose comment on an Acronym post pointed me to a really good article by Matthew Forti about measurement for nonprofits. The Acronym post was from Scott Briscoe, building off of Joe Rominiecki’s notion of “loveable losers,” those...

Helping Wounded Soldiers

Yes, it’s that time of year again when I ask for your help. Although this is the first year (in the last ten!) that I will NOT be doing all four days of our annual “Ride Allegheny” bike ride from Pittsburgh to DC. With the book coming out at just...
Jamie Notter