Worst Generational Advice Ever

I am not going to link to the post, because it’s just so awful, but here is some of the advice that a Baby Boomer author (who describes herself as a “Millennial Whisperer”) gives to Millennials on working with Boomer bosses: Do it their way before...

Trust Will Be Broken

You may not want to hear about this, but it is an absolute fact that sometimes you will trust people, and they will let you down. It has to happen. If it didn’t happen, then trust would not really be an issue. As I heard someone say once, if you caught a fish...

Can You Imagine Going Back to the Old Way?

I was in Chicago this week doing a site visit at a company that we may end up including did include as a case study in our upcoming book. Like all the companies we are investigating, this one ended up on my radar screen because I heard about how strong their culture...
Jamie Notter