Jamie Notter Blog
Want Social Media to Work? Change Your Organization
That is the topic of a session I will be delivering at ASAE's Technology Conference next week. As you may have guessed, I will be drawing heavily on the Humanize book for this one. In fact, this will be the first in-person presentation on the book for the association...
Book Review: Getting to Yes
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher and William Ury Penguin, 1981 This might be the oldest book that I've reviewed here on the blog--the original edition published in 1981. Yes. Thirty years ago. But this one truly is a classic....
Integrating Learning and Work
Check out this awesome presentation about integrating learning and work. This is precisely along the same lines as what Maddie and I talk about in Humanize. The fourth human element we talk about is Courageous. In creating a more courageous organization, the cultural...
The Problem with Committees
Here's the problem with committees: They exist. I'm only partially joking here. This comes from a comment I left on a post on Eric Lanke's blog (which, by the way, has shifted from the Hourglass blog to simply "Eric Lanke," so be sure to switch your subscription). He...
We Have No Idea What We're Doing
Whenever I get some time to think deeply about things related to the workplace, like how do we make work better, or what is leadership, or what is management, then I end up inescapably coming to the conclusion that is the title of this post: We have no idea what we're...
Finishing the Conversation
Here's a simple but important conflict resolution tip: when you're having a conflict conversation, keep having it until it is finished. It sounds self-evident, but you'd be surprised how many people stop the conversation before it is over. In general, that will make...
Video Interview about #Humanize
Maddie and I were recently interviewed by George Breden of TMA Resources about our book, Humanize. George does a weekly video news show for TMA Resources, called Association Tech News. This week's edition includes a brief clip from the interview, but they also posted...
Steve Jobs and the Focus of the CEO
Steve Drake pointed me to an interesting blog post based on some of the material from the most recent Steve Jobs biography. Apparently Jobs thought it was a problem when CEOs become too focused on sales: I have my own theory about why the decline happens at companies...
Associations Now Cover Story on #Humanize
In case you missed it, I got the cover on the September/October issue of Associations Now magazine with an article about the main concepts in Humanize. "We Are Not Machines" makes the basic argument for creating more human organizations, which is quite different from...