Always Done It That Way

My apologies to regular readers of the Association Renewal Blog (since I just announced this over there), but I want everyone to know that we have finished writing the "Always Done It That Way" book. If you remember, four colleagues (Jeff De Cagna, David...

The New American Workplace

In 1973 the government issued a report on “Work in America,” that was apparently “explosive” in reporting the alienation of blue collar workers and the “search by women for a new identity,” according to an article in Fast Company magazine. One of the people that...

Always Done It That Way

I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m one of five authors of a book we have titled, We’ve Always Done It That Way: 101 Things We Must Change About Associations. We’ve been writing the book "publically", by posting our 101 things onto a...

Trust as Foundation

Trust gets mentioned a lot in organizations. I agree it is a terribly important thing, but it is often put up too high on a pedestal. You hear things like:It’s important that we trust each other here.I want you to know that I trust you completelyI wish there were more...

Silos, Politics and Turf Wars

There are more good business books out there than I have time to read. As I hear about them, I usually put them on that mental "I really should read that" list. Some of those make it to my house, but fewer of them actually get read. But with Patrick...

Extreme Facilitation, Part 2

I promised a long time ago that I would post some more on the book that a colleague of mine wrote called “Extreme Facilitation.” The author, Suzanne Ghais, did the same graduate program in conflict resolution that I did and she interned at the Institute for...
Jamie Notter