Organizational Culture and Individuals

Jim Stroup put up a stellar post about organizational culture the other day. He invites us to think about how much impact one individual (even the boss) can have on an organization's (or even a unit's) culture, and he also muses about whether culture can even...

The Jester Speaks the Truth

If you're flipping through the most recent Associations Now and end up skipping the article titled "Bring in the Jester" because you think it's a fluff piece about having more fun in the workplace, PLEASE RECONSIDER!Actually, I think fun in the...

Evolution with Intention

Organizational cultures evolve. They quite rarely transform or get reinvented, despite the best efforts of change management experts. But they do evolve, and they evolve constantly. They evolve whether you want them to or not. But you absolutely can affect the...

The Power of Good People and Good Ideas (or Not)

Hugh MacLeod (for the non-Web 2.0 geeks among my readers) is a very interesting guy who has spoken about the idea of "social objects"–things you share withothers in order to build relationships (not just products, in other words). He has also gained...

It’s the People, Stupid

Not having time to write my blog is easy when other people do it for me! Today I just have to point to Hugh MacLeod’s awesome post from a few days ago called "the cultural problem." In short, he was commenting on the fact that large tech companies,...

It's the People, Stupid

Not having time to write my blog is easy when other people do it for me! Today I just have to point to Hugh MacLeod’s awesome post from a few days ago called "the cultural problem." In short, he was commenting on the fact that large tech companies,...
Jamie Notter