Changing Culture

There is a nice piece about the strength of organizational culture in the Sloan Management Review. Researchers looked at “spinoff” companies to see if they could measure corporate culture and whether the spinoff companies had cultures that were different from the...

Here but Not There

The Fast Company blog has weighed in on the recent trend of violence in professional basketball. The Denver Nuggets and the New York Knicks are the latest to get attention for players beating each other up on national television. Learn More Here to make it...

What is Participation?

I just used a quote in response to David Gammel’s comment to my last post, but as I look at it, I think it is good enough to get its own post. It is from Ed Schein, who is a great scholar and practitioner in the organization development field, known particularly for...

Voice, Trust, and Control

In Jeffrey Pfeffer’s column in Business 2.0 this month is he cites a famous article by Albert Hirschman called “Exit, Voice, and Loyalty.” Hirschman argues that when people are dissatisfied, they have a choice: complain and try to change things, or leave. This means...
Jamie Notter